1. Peace - The European Union's number one goal is to keep the peace in Europe. War in Europe in the 21st century would destroy Germany's export based economy.
2. Free Trade - Free trade within the EU will continue to be as important for Germany as it has been in the past. Export economies are much stronger than import economies, since having more exports than imports means you're building wealth in your own country, not sending it elsewhere.
3. Natural Resources - As some of the world's most important natural resources begin to become scarce in the 21st century (oil, natural gas, fresh water), Germany and EU countries as a whole will be much better off than they would be without the EU. As a large organization rather than one of many small countries, the countries of the EU will benefit from the bargaining power of the EU.
4. The Euro - As economies continue to globalize, the Euro will continue to greatly benefit Germany and EU countries as a whole. This is because the Euro is naturally going to be a much stronger currency than the Deutsch Mark ever could have been, and the same goes for any other EU countries' currency.
5. Global Trade - Being part of a larger organization makes it easier to find more and more trade partners. This is because if country A from Asia already trades with country B, a country in the EU, they'll be more apt to trade with country C, also a country in the EU, than country D, which is in Europe but not part of the EU.
6. Next Generation Automobiles - When the next generation engines starts to become more common, whether it be electric, hydrogen, etc, a large infrastructure will be needed to support it. In order to have seamless travel by car in Europe, all EU countries will need to adopt new fueling stations, and this would be very difficult to do in a timely and effective manner without the EU.
7. Reputation - Germany's membership in the EU has given them a better public image outside of Germany. Because of their export economy and their economically driven (as opposed to power hungry) membership activity, they have shown good intentions.
8. Safety of its Citizens - The EU's system of visa's helps prevent criminals from easily moving around Europe.
9. Common Values - The common values shared by EU countries helps prevent internal conflict.
10. Freedom of Travel - The ability of citizens of countries in the EU to freely move about is not only advantageous for those who simply want to travel, but opens economic doors as well.
11. Consumer Protection - Countries that once used to hold monopolies on certain resources and businesses can no longer do so in the EU, bringing down prices and allowing people a better quality of life.
12. Diversity - Diversity is strength, and the interconnectedness of the EU will build a stronger Germany and a stronger Europe.

Bundesregierung. 25 March 2007. http://www.bundesregierung.de/.
Sprecht-Jarvis, Roland. Class Lecture. 8 Nov, 2010.
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