Monday, September 20, 2010

German Print Media Reviewed

Looking at the online German newspapers, if the title said CNN and everything was in English, I wouldn't think twice about doubting its authenticity. Not only do the online newspapers look basically the same as German newspapers, so do the paper newspapers that we looked at in class today. The subject matter is very similar, as is the layout. One could argue this is because of mass media assimilation, but as we discussed today it has much to do with how limited the space is on print media, and the same argument can be made online, since they need to optimize the space for simplicity purposes. The subject matter being similar also makes sense, since politics, sports, entertainment, and general news is going to be relatively universally important. Overall, however, their print media goes to show how similar our cultures are, since in some government situation politics aren't talked about as much, sports sometimes is or isn't as big of a deal, etc.

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